Our Approach

Our Approach

What distinguishes us from other mental health professionals?

Instead of focusing on the latest trends and copying other treatment plans, we integrate what we have learned from our previous training and work experience, with the knowledge and the latest research findings, consultations with our colleagues and key leaders in our field, and feedback from our previous clients. From this reservoir of expertise, we  tailor the treatment to the unique needs of the individual client. 

We strongly believe that the key essential element in successful therapy treatment is the fit between therapist and patient. Our therapists practice from a strength-based, insight-oriented, and collaborative approach individualized to meet the unique needs of each client. We provide an empathetic, supportive, and accepting environment for our clients to feel heard and understood while also challenged and inspired to take on new perspectives, ways of thinking, and daily practices. We aim to empower them to discover and utilize their own unique voice and strengths to create long-lasting and meaningful change. 

Therapy is a process that can provide tools to relieve immediate stress, but also an opportunity to explore the underlying meanings, behavioral patterns, and relationship dynamics in order to lead a life of authenticity and genuine fulfillment in each present moment. 

Throughout our training and professional experiences we have been, and continue to be, committed to multicultural informed treatment.  Our previous educational and professional training and experience allow us to provide efficient, effective, and excellent counseling services to individuals of diverse racial, ethnic, religious, class, size, ability and sexual identity backgrounds, foreign expats and American expats abroad, international students, first-generation and non-traditional students, and location independent citizens.  Our patients come from a variety of cultural backgrounds and identities. Our commitment is providing culturally sensitive services, which factor in the cultural and systemic factors that influence presenting symptoms, relational, and behavioral patterns. 

We provide services in both English and Mandarin Chinese