Asian/Pacific American Mental Health

Asian/Pacific American Mental Health

In order to understand the mental health challenges and treatment resources among the Asian and Pacific Americans, there are additional considerations including cultural norms, social expectations, education, and access to resources.

We gathered a list of resources below to help parents, caregivers, mental health providers, teachers, school administrators, and other allies better support the Asian/ Asian-American population. In addition, given the diversity of this group, we also refer to Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders
While many resources are focused on youths and young adults, the material is relevant for people of all stages of life, age, sexual orientation, immigrant status, genders, racial and cultural backgrounds, and all walks of life.

Covered Topics

COVID-19: Hate and Harassment Against Asian Americans

Treatment Resources

Thank you to resources provided by the National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association

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Recommended Research Articles

Note: Articles are listed in chronological order

Macro-Level Dialogue and Action